Welcome, traveller.

Let us begin our journey on this fine
Saturday at the time of 09:21:31.
Sit back and explore our collective human
experience of what we call time and the
ways in which we rationalise its elusive and
merciless existence.

We will begin our journey with an extract
from W.G Sebald’s ‘The Rings of Saturn,''
a text most appropriate for transversing
the topics of space and time and their
relevance to the human condition. As you
read the extract, follow the lines, which
will guide you on your travels and aid you
in unravelling the age-old mystery.
Do so at your own pace. Unless, of course,
you are of the belief that time is in fact money.
Take a detour, and enjoy an accopmniment
to your travels. What is a journey without
some company? Be it the sweet company
of the people you love or simply the sounds
of our humble planet, as it hurls its way
through space and time and yet spares
us so little to experience its treasures.

"The Rings of

W . G Sebald